Aug 19, 2010

My Boring Daily Life & Skin79 BBCream Review

So, the first day of senior year wasn't so bad. I mean, it is high school. Not like something spectacular like dancing elephants will show up. Now I have to find a studio for senior pictures that's not sucky and figure out some way to be more photogenic. No one wants another awkward school-related picture where you end up like grimacing/sneezing/blinking/whatever. My most recent picture, the one in the yearbook, I'm making a lovely smile-frown. It's like my mouth disappeared.
I finished Pretty Little Liars and am craving to read the next book in the series. Sadly, I'm taking English this semester, along with Calculus and Chemistry II, so I don't think I'll be up for much more reading for a while.
That's okay though, because next semester my schedule's going to be a lot lighter and I'll have plenty of time for reading, Youtube, blogging, wasting my time, or whatever.
Speaking of Youtube, I have a new video up today with a review on Skin79's Triple Function Pink Label BB Cream. Just saying the product name is like a tongue-twister. I'm kind of spacy/dead/tired today, like I am whenever I want to make a video, it seems. I love how all of the preview images of  the videos are awkward faces and poses.

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